Tuesday 26 January 2010

Pelvic Floor for Men & your sex life!

Blokes, you do have a pelvic floor, did you know that? Maybe you did..so do you know how to activate it and the benefits?

Let me tell you..(dont peek chicks, your turn next week)

Imagine you are lifting a weight (a light one) with your crown jewels..feel that lifting? like an elevator lifting up inside you?
Hola Pelvic Floor!!
So benefits to working them are ....?? Well the main one is to improve the sex life..performance, timing & strength..need I say more..
Im doing a flyer for you guys and will hand it out in class on Monday night .
Thankfully, fibres of the Transversus Abdominals run into the Pelvic Floor, so when you practice regular Pilates its an extra benefit..if you have a chick, see if she notices the benefit too..
so it doesnt just give you a strong healthy back, increased mobility in the hips, stronger leg muscles, stronger shoulders and core, mobility in the spine...etc etc etc

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